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The "F" Word

In the HBO documentary, Becoming Warren Buffett, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates were asked to write down the one thing they felt contributed the most to their success. Without speaking with one another, they both wrote down the same word: focus. They both attributed their success to having the ability to focus on their goals and focusing on the task at hand. Focus doesn’t just lead to success financially, but it can also help you achieve greater health. The three tips below will help you focus on the task of working out and, thus, increase your workout results.

Tips 1: Go Screen Free

No phones. According to research from Kent State’s College of Education, Health and Human Services, texting or talking on the phone during exercise reduces health and fitness benefits. Being on your phone during your workout is like being on your phone while performing a work assignment. All it will do is prolong the process and make you less effective. Get the most out of your workouts and leave the phone out of sight.

Tip 2: Time Your Rest Breaks

The amount of time you rest between your sets plays an important part in getting you the results you desire. Rest too little, and you won’t lift as much weight. Rest too long, and you decrease the adaptation response you’re looking for. According to NSCA’s Fundamental of Fitness Programming, if your goal is muscle growth, aim to rest for 30-90 seconds while doing 6-12 reps per set. If your goal is muscle endurance, aim for 10-25 reps while resting no longer than 30 seconds. If your goal is strength, aim for 1-5 reps while resting for 2-5 minutes.

It’s ok to use your phone’s stopwatch to time your rest breaks, but if you do, I recommend putting your phone on Airplane mode, so you aren’t distracted by the internet or texting (remember tip #1). You can also purchase an interval timer like a gym boss stopwatch. Very affordable and easy to use.

Tip 3: Track

“What gets measured, gets improved.” - Peter Drucker

Studies have shown that when people track their exercise habits, they exercise more. You don’t have to make it extremely complex. Just write down the exercise, sets, and reps. Write down how you felt that day and any key points. Make sure you review your week's previous workout before you begin the workout for the day to see where you can make improvements weight or rep wise. I usually do this review while I’m foam rolling beforehand.

Tracking your workouts will help you focus on consistent improvement. Set mini goals to do more reps or perform more weight with certain exercises.

Next time you’re in the gym, give these three tips a try, and you’ll be amazed at how much more you get done. Focus!

If you feel like you're in a rut with your current training program, email me at james@jameskingiiifit to schedule a free coaching call!

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