Here’s something I wish I’d known when I started my fitness journey—the actual benefits of cardio.
When I began training, I was all about muscle gain and bulking. I kept hearing and reading, “Don’t do cardio! Make it easier to pack on weight and muscle.” So, I stopped doing activities I loved—like playing basketball and riding my bike. Even when I got into bodybuilding, it was all about weights, and cardio took a back seat.
The message was clear: cardio wasn’t necessary for weight loss, and that’s true.
You don’t need to do cardio to lose weight. But here’s the thing: cardio isn’t just for weight loss—it’s essential for living a healthy, balanced life.
Cardio has incredible mental health benefits, boosting our mood, reducing depression, enhancing creativity, and simply making us feel happier.
So, if you’ve been avoiding cardio, it’s time to rethink! You don’t need to do it to lose weight, but cardio is key to being the healthiest, happiest version of yourself. Lace up those sneakers, hit the basketball court, running trail, or hop on a bike. Find joy in moving.